Newspapers, Journals, Programmes published in Mytilene or by Mytilene Citizens elsewhere (1940-1988) Noms de Plume from Mytilene (1800-1988). First Contribution


MIssios, Kostas
efimerides, periodika, programmata pou ekdothikan sth mitilini h apo mitilinious allou (1940-1988). Syggrafika psevdonyma mitilinion (1800-1988).Simvoli proti
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Content Description (long): 

“The lack of any systematic record of the publications that circulated in Mytilene, or were issued by Mytilenians, provided the reason why this effort began almost eight years ago, and has today taken the form of a book. The gap exists mainly from 1940 on, […]. Since then, however, nobody has taken up this painstaking and cheerless research work, perhaps precisely for that reason, and for the additional one that it is mainly addressed to the potential future researcher […]

[…] Until 1983, nothing had been published about the island’s daily and periodical press. […] Then I started making public the material I had collected, always continuing the research, which lasted until the moment this book was printed.


The newspapers are recorded in chronological order […] The same is true of the newspapers that were published before 1940 and continued to be published after that, or had been closed before 1940 and reopened afterwards. […] After the title, the identity of the issue is recorded (subheading, publisher, editor, chronology of publication, format etc.) and then reference is made to its pages and columns and to various facts related to its course. All these are given very briefly, as the research aimed solely to list the books, and no more. Periodicals are also presented with exactly the same prerequisites and context. […] In the end, this is – I believe – a detail that does not affect the inventory as a whole. […].” (A few words, p. 9-14)